国际部课堂观察 | 有料有趣的历史课堂


象贤中学国际部的国际班课程是以美国加州Core curriculum为核心,结合中国核心高中课程,开创的具有“象贤特色”的国际班课程。课堂教学模式及考评形式多样,教学内容丰富,致力于解决学生海外留学的痛点,帮助学生实现高中毕业进入大学后的学习思维及体系无缝衔接,为本科留学做好充分的准备。





Course Intro 



World History is a study of the history of the world from the very beginnings to today. It covers all continents during all periods of history, such as the Ancient Times, the Middle Ages, the Early Modern Era, and the Modern Era. It is a study of different human cultures during these eras. Students can learn from World History how people’s cultures changed throughout the centuries, and will give them a better understanding of the countries in which they are traveling or studying. history. Also, students need to learn World History because by connecting to their roots in the past, people can better understand the problems that exist today, and this will give them a better idea of how to solve these problems.

Teaching Methods 


在社会科学类课程中,学生需要为他们的笔记本制作一个封面。考虑到学生的学术水平和英语能力,通过这样的方式,学生能在课程开始之前展示对世界历史或美国历史的个人理解, 区别于简单的书写,这样的方式更直观、让人印象深刻。

In our Socials department at Xiangxian High, all of our students are required to make a cover for their notebooks. Given the academic level and English proficiency of English Language Learners (ELLs) in general, the very act of illustrating their personal understanding of World History or American History at the beginning of the course gives them the opportunity to express that understanding outside simply writing.



It allows for me, the teacher, to gain insight on some personal topics that the students may be interested in and I can see if those topics can be implemented into the course throughout the semester/ year. The task of creating a cover for their notebook also gives them an immediate sense of investment in their notebooks and adds value, which serves as an incentive for them to take better care of these notebooks.


Teaching Methods 


学生还要为课程的每个单元预留一个空白的首页(title page),要求他们在完成该单元的所有笔记后填充内容。制作单元首页是让学生进行自我思考的一种方式,学生自己选择要在单元首页强调哪些历史事件。对学生来说,复习巩固是极其重要的,这项活动为他们提供了一种简洁而有效的方法,以视觉呈现的形式将每个单元的重要历史事件和历史事实概括在一页纸上。

The students are also required to create a title page for each unit they have within the course. This is a page that the students are instructed to keep blank until they have almost finished or completely finished the notes for that unit. This is an act of self-reflection on which events they choose to highlight for that unit. It is extremely important for students to reflect back on their resources and this activity provides them a concise yet effective method for determining the important events or facts from that unit onto one page in the form of a visual representation.

▲学生制作的title page

Learning Tips 



To master World History, students need to pay the closest attention to the teacher in class, take all the notes, do all the homework, and study hard for the quizzes and exams. If a student fails to do any of these things, he or she will fall behind, and it will be difficult for him or her to learn and understand new topics.




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